 $136,932 est/mo Sourced by Back At You

700 Dow Road , Carolina Beach, NC 28428

Carolina Beach, NC 28428

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70.28 + or - acres including 2 tax tracts per New Hanover Co Tax office. 59.5 acres + or - tax parcel R08800-006-001-000, unincorporated, and 10.78 acres + or - tax parcel R0880-006-001-001, incorporated into the Town of Carolina Beach. parcels are contiguous and deeded into Seller as one tract. 2023 taxes paid based on Present Use Value.


Listing TypeFor Sale
Days On Site287
Listing Provided ByTucker Bros Realty Co | Hiram Tucker



Market Activity 28428

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Listings Checked: 3 minutes ago
CountyNew Hanover
CityCarolina Beach
Zip Code28428
AreaNew Hanover
Community NameNot In Subdivision
School DistrictAshley
Elementary SchoolCarolina Beach
Middle SchoolMurray
High SchoolAshley
Listing VS Median (in Not In Subdivision)
low | high
100% of Average
On Site:
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100% of Average
Sourced by Back At You
Listing Updated: December 30, 2024 at 1:17:54 PM PST